International Business Opportunities

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Buying Property in Belize

Belize is renowned as one of the easiest countries in Central America for foreign buyers. There are no restrictions on noncitizens owning property, no capital gains taxes and low property taxes. The country operates as a member of the British Commonwealth, with English as the primary language, and the Belize currency is fixed 2 to

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Purchasing Property in Russia

Under the general rule foreigners can purchase in property or rent any real estate, but there are some legal limitations. Land Code of Russia (hereinafter – LC), Clause 15 establishes the first one – foreign people, apartheids and foreign companies can not have proprietary possession on land spots located in borderline zones. Foreign individual may

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Purchasing Property in Canada

How can foreigner buy propery in Canada? The Canadian system however does not have special legislation that regulates about the acquisition of Canadian property by a foreigner. Most of the province of Canada treat foreign buyers the same as local resident though the property taxes on on the purchase of property vary from state to

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Buy Property in Finland

In 2000 the government removed the requirement that a non-resident must obtain a permit to buy a secondary residential property in Finland, putting foreigners on exactly the same footing as Finns. However, foreigners are restricted from acquiring property in the Province of Aland (Ahvenanmaa), an archipelago. Foreigners need to ask permission from the Finns to

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Geographical limitations and boundaries are a myth in today’s world. Soon Man would be looking at outer space for opportunities.

We enable our  clients to branch out and expand their wings and avail investment opportunities all around the world. Our diverse team and  international associates simplify laws of various countries for our clients to formulate opinions on business decisions. We understand business culture world wide and can assist you to collaborate with people from other countries.

We know the legal ramifications of international trade. Our knowledge  of laws of various countries help our clients to abide by it at all times as entering international waters without knowledge of the local laws can put you in jeopardy. Use our international experience and bring your company at par with Multi-National Corporations.

Range of industries

Business Expansion
Property Consultation
Medical Industry
Tax Consultation
Franchise Consultation
Travel and Hospitality Industry

Research beyond the business plan

Planning is the antidote to competition.

Develop a strategy that defines your value proposition and your unique value chain.

Execution is the key to success in every industry.

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